Sunday, March 6, 2011


I love the 80's. But I'm sure you already guessed that.

I was born in 1974 so I count myself lucky to have been at an age to fully enjoy everything the 80's had to offer us kids back then. Spending Saturday mornings glued to hours of cartoons, staying up all night watching horror movies on Creature Feature (I've been nocturnal since birth, according to my parents), hitting up the movie theater with a group of friends on Friday night (and usually sneaking into the movie we really wanted to see), or just hanging out at the mall in the arcade. It was absolute magic, man.

After reading and following a variety of blogs and websites dedicated to the 80's for a handful of years, I finally decided to throw my hat into the ring and join the party. Besides, there can never be too many 80's sites, right?

Another reason I started this blog is to unveil something I've been rolling around inside my head for a while: The 80's Never Ended celebration. (Hence the name of the blog....And knowing is half the battle.) Details about that will appear when the time feels right. For now, I hope you enjoy whatever I throw on here for all to see. I'll be updating with pictures, links, lists, and who knows what else randomly so check back often! I'm looking into a newsletter to let those that subscribe know when new posts happen.

Keep It Awesome!

End Of Line.

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