Monday, March 21, 2011


Technology was coming out left and right in the 80's.  From video games to cell phones, it grew steadily into what we have today.

8-track players were still around when I was a kid.  We had a HUGE console stereo (those things that look like big cabinets) that had a radio, record player, and an 8-track player/recorder in it that I used the hell out of.  We had tons of 8-tracks my parents kept in a hallway closet that I'd dig through all the time.  We had one in the car too!

We've had ONE answering machine when I was growing up.  My Dad to this day HATES answering machines and refuses to own another one.  I guess he'd get pissed having to change out the tapes out or something.

When these replaced the Super-8 camera, people lost their damn minds.  I remember some of them being huge and heavy, but they slimmed down pretty quickly.  Then everybody wanted the one Marty McFly had in Back To The Future.

Whenever my Mom went out of town, my Dad would rent a Beta player and some movies (I swear I remember the movies were at least $10 each to rent!) to watch.  I always picked Purple Rain and The Pirate  Since Mom was gone I could watch pretty much whatever I wanted so I got a bunch of horror movies and sat up all night watching them.  (Not really knowing what it was about, my Dad took me to see The Exorcist at a drive-in when I was a kid.  I laughed all the way through it and I've been hooked ever since.  Mom found out and about killed him

Our school had exactly TWO of these to share with every class so each room got it for, like, a day or so.  I think each student was allowed on it for 20 minutes or something.  And these only games we had were lame "learning" games.  And Oregon Trail.

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